    5 product(s) found for "Soy Candles & Melts"
  • Scented Soy Candle/Essential Oil 6oz
    Scented Soy Candle/Essential Oil 6oz
    Soy wax is natural; whereas, paraffin wax is petroleum based. Therefore, soy candles burn cleaner and last longer. We add as much scent to the candles that the wax will hold to ensure you will enjoy the scent throughout the burn time. Our 6-ounce candles burn for approximately 45 hours. Our 14-ounce candles burn for approximately 105 hours. You only need to burn the candle for 1-2 hours at a time. To ensure your candle does not "tunnel", be sure to burn the candle long enough each time, so the wax...
  • Scented Soy Candles/Essential Oil 14oz
    Scented Soy Candles/Essential Oil 14oz
    Soy wax is natural; whereas, paraffin wax is petroleum based. Therefore, soy candles burn cleaner and last longer. We add as much scent to the candles that the wax will hold to ensure you will enjoy the scent throughout the burn time. Our 6-ounce candles burn for approximately 45 hours. Our 14-ounce candles burn for approximately 105 hours. You only need to burn the candle for 1-2 hours at a time. To ensure your candle does not "tunnel", be sure to burn the candle long enough each time, so the wax...
  • Scented Soy Candles/Essential Oil 6oz
  • Scented Soy Candles/Fragrance Oil 14oz
    Scented Soy Candles/Fragrance Oil 14oz
    Soy wax is natural; whereas, paraffin wax is petroleum based. Therefore, soy candles burn cleaner and last longer. We add as much scent to the candles that the wax will hold to ensure you will enjoy the scent throughout the burn time. Our 6-ounce candles burn for approximately 45 hours. Our 14-ounce candles burn for approximately 105 hours. You only need to burn the candle for 1-2 hours at a time. To ensure your candle does not "tunnel", be sure to burn the candle long enough each time, so the wax...
  • Scented Soy Candles/Fragrance Oil 6oz
    Scented Soy Candles/Fragrance Oil 6oz
    Soy wax is natural; whereas, paraffin wax is petroleum based. Therefore, soy candles burn cleaner and last longer. We add as much scent to the candles that the wax will hold to ensure you will enjoy the scent throughout the burn time. Our 6-ounce candles burn for approximately 45 hours. Our 14-ounce candles burn for approximately 105 hours. You only need to burn the candle for 1-2 hours at a time. To ensure your candle does not "tunnel", be sure to burn the candle long enough each time, so the wax...

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